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China Green Carbon Foundation Became an ...

2013/1/5 17:01:13



ChinaGreen Carbon Foundation Became an Observer Organization to the Conference ofParties of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Media:CHINAGREEN TIMES Author: JinhongYuan


(Beijing-January 3, 2013)China Green Carbon Foundation (CGCF) has received the confirmation letter,which states that its application as an observer organization to theConferences of Parties (COP) of United Nations Framework Convention on ClimateChange (UNFCCC) has been officially approved by the UNFCCC held inDoha,Qatar18th Conference of the Parties, from the Secretariat of the UNFCCC. The name ofCGCF can be found in document FCCC/CP/2012/2/Rev.1.

As an observerorganization, CGCF, in accordance with decision 36/CMP.1 has rights to presentat further sessions of meetings of both COP and the Parties to the KyotoProtocol (CMP), as well as their subsidiary of bodies in the Conventionprocess. CGCF also is eligible to recommend representatives of otherorganizations to participate in UNFCCC Climate Conferences. As a result, CGCF hasbecome a platform for demonstratingChina’s forestry achievements,presenting showcase of Chinese enterprises and public participation in forestryactivities tackling climate changes, while also donated enterprises, partners involvedin responding to climate change in the international affairs, through theUnited Nations Climate Change Conference process.

It is reported that atthe just-concluded United Nations climate conference, CGCF and theInternational Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) jointly organized the sideevent titled “China-Africa Partnership: Climate Change Mitigation andAdaptation through Bamboo Development”. In addition, CGCF successfully hostedanother workshop on “Forestry Carbon Sinks Workshop on Combating ClimateChanges” at China Pavilion, in theNationalConvention CenterinDoha,the capital ofQatarat the same time.


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