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CGCF Attended the First World Climate Summit

2010/12/30 14:57:37
Cancun huichang    
    The first World Climate Summit Conference convened in Cancun and
The Presence of CGCF Drew Significant Attention
    Jointly sponsored by the world well-known enterprises and financial institutions as well as government departments, the first World Climate Summit Conference convened in Cancun, Mexico between 4th and 5th December 2010. The theme of the Summit is to work out the solutions to the climate change. It has brought more than 300 prominent entrepreneurs, executives of the financial institutions and that of the government functionaries.


    The organizers maintained that the development of green and low carbon economy will give enormous thrust to economic recovery when the world economy has been at economic depression period. Clean energy and renewable energy are not only the low carbon energy, but rather create jobs. The build up of ecosystem and the protection of biodiversity, such as the recovery and protection of forest vegetation and wetland along with the sustainable management, will provide employment opportunities on one hand and on the other hand, it will aggregate water resources and clean water source, lessen the impacts of storm, flooding and draught as well as other extremes climate to the humans and the Earth.

    Carbon financing and carbon market have been highlighted at the meeting and the presentation by Dr. Li Nuyun, Secretary-general CGCF has drawn great attention from the participants and quite a few enterprises’ and carbon foundation delegates actively put forward cooperation intentions. 


    CGCF is the national public funding foundation targeted primarily at combating the climate change. The establishment of the foundation will provide a platform between the enterprises and the public to store carbon credit, display social responsibility of the enterprises by the forest carbon sink. The carbon sink in the CGCF features its distinctive additionality. Every ton of carbon in the carbon sink account will be corresponding to a plot of forest. This plot of forest will absorb the carbon and additionally, it provides employment opportunities and increase income for the farmers by participating in afforestation and forest management, thus elevating their living standard. Meanwhile, biodiversity can be conserved and the local ecological environment improved.


    CGCF has established a series of standards in carbon sink production, measurement, monitoring and verification as well as registration which are based on the China’s practice conditions and met with the international criteria, elaborated by Dr. Li Nuyun, Secretary-general of China Green Carbon Foundation. At beginning of October, CGCF financed 5000 mu of carbon sink forest in Shanxi Province which will compensate carbon emission from that held and organized in China for the first time.


    Dr. Li advised the participants that China has made great contributions to the world’s efforts in mitigating global warming. According to FAO’s report “The Assessment of World’s Forest Resources 2010”, the fast forest land increase region found in China from 2005 to 2010. The Chinese government commits itself to increase forest coverage by 40 million hectares and the growth of forest stock volume by 1.3 billion cubic meters by 2020 from that of 2005 levels.



Organized by China Green Carbon Foundation? 

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