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China Forestry Presents at Doha Climate Change ...

2013/1/5 0:25:32

ChinaForestry Presents atDohaClimate Change Conference with Achievementsin Combating Climate Changes


Author: Tomas Li

Translator: Zhefang YangEditor: Jinhong Yuan

November 30th,2012



On November 29th, 2012, the “Forestry Carbon Sinks Workshopon Combating Climate Changes”, a “Chinese Corner” side event hosted by theChina Green Carbon Foundation (CGCF), was held at China Pavilion, in theNationalConvention CenterinDoha, the capital ofQatar. Thismeeting attracted more than 90 representatives from the International Networkfor Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR) and other international organizations, theUnited States,Netherland,Germany,Britain,Australia,India,IndonesiaandChina. Li Nuyun, Executive DeputyDirector of Climate Change Office, the State Forestry Administration andSecretary-General of CGCF, Zhou Guomo, President of Zhejiang A&FUniversity, Lou Yiping, Director of INBAR Environment and Program Department,Jiang Zhigang, Director of the Green Economy Office of Yunnan Pu’er, Shen Guohua,President of Huadong Forestry Exchange, Fu Xiaojie, President ofthe High School Affiliated toBeijingInternational Studies UniversityandJin Jiang, an University student and a volunteer from Wenzhou, made brilliantspeeches and exchanged ideas with participants at the event, covering the managementpolicies of Chinese forestry on combating climate changes, forest carbon standard management system,innovative practices of CGCF, researches and pilot programs on roles of bambooforests in fighting against climate changes, forests protection in Pu’er City,promotion of green economy development, forestry carbon sink trading , andintroduction of bringing knowledge about tackling climate changes intoclassrooms of middle schools. Many contents of the side event attracted extensiveattentions and aroused spirited discussions among domestic and foreignrepresentatives, including carbon management of China’s forestry, developmentof green economy, carbon sink trading, education of youngsters about combatingclimate changes and release of “China Bamboo Afforestation Methodology forCarbon Project” and cooperative agreements on “Sustainable Management of Bamboo Forest, Researchand Development Fund of Bamboo Products Carbon Fixation and Pilot DemonstrationArea”.

A highlight of the side event is the official release of “ChinaBamboo Afforestation Methodology for Carbon Project”. At the side event, LiNuyun said on behalf of development units of the methodology that “China BambooAfforestation Methodology for Carbon Project” jointly developed byZhejiangA&FUniversity,INBAR and CGCF, was recently approved by the State Forestry Administration forofficial promulgation and implementation.

Li Nuyun said that Chinese government had been attachinggreat importance to the recovery and protection of forest vegetation, and hasthe fastest growth rate of the area of forests and more planted forests thanother countries. The government has carried on six key programs in forestry fora dozen of years, including Natural Forest Protection Program, Grain-to-GreenProgram, construction of the protection forest system in northwest China, northChina and northeast China as well as in river basins, desertification controland wildlife protection, and contributed to the ecological civilizationconstruction of China, ecological security of the state and mitigation ofglobal climate changes. 

Chinais known as“a bamboo ‘kingdom’”. To bring into fullplay economic, social and ecological benefits of bamboo forests, especiallytheir roles in combating climate changes, an expert team organized by threeunits under the leadership of the State Forestry Administration, P.R. China,developed China’s Bamboo Afforestation Methodology for Carbon Project referringto relevant international rules and based on the research achievements ofZhejiang A&F University over the years as well as practical experience inimplementing the first moso bamboo afforestation pilot program for carbon sink.At INBAR member meetings, the Asia-Pacific Forestry Week and the side events ofthe Durban Climate Change Conference last year, the team solicited opinions ofdomestic and foreign experts and stakeholders and improved the methodologywhich finally passed review of experts for formal release and use. Thismethodology stipulates technical requirements on the development of bambooafforestation programs, and the requirements not only apply toChinabut also offer reference for the development of bamboo programs in othercountries.Moreover, it is alsoChina’s firstand a world’s leading methodology for carbon programs of bamboo forests. Itsrelease will bringChinaand even the world’s bamboo forest-oriented carbon programs to go further andrender new contributions to tackling climate changes.

Another highlight of the side event is the frameworkagreement of “SustainableManagement of Bamboo Forest, Research and Development Fund of Bamboo ProductsCarbon Fixation and Pilot Demonstration Area” signed by the INBAR, CGCF, Zhejiang A&F Universityand Zhejiang Anji County People’s Government. Gu Zhen, Head of INBAR, Li Nuyun,Secretary General of CGCF, Zhou Guomo, President of Zhejiang A&F University,and Wang Shu, Mayor of Anji, attended and addressed the signing ceremony. GuZhen said, “In the past years, the INBAR, CGCF andZhejiangA&FUniversityhave carriedout successful cooperation on development of the bamboo afforestationmethodology which is of great significance to combating climate changes withbamboo forests. With addition ofChina’sfamous bamboo townshipAnjiCountyinto the team, weconduct creative research on sustainable bamboo forest management and carbonsink enhancement methodology and on bamboo products carbon storage measurementmethodology. We believed the researches will accelerate the development andapplication of the bamboo afforestation methodology, and hope that we can bringyou good news at the United Nations Climate Change Conference.” Wang Shu said,“The framework agreement is a milestone in the development of bamboo industryin Anji, as it will facilitate income growth of farmers, efficiency enhancementof enterprises and improvement of environment and more importantly, it willmake new contributions to green management and utilization of Chinese bambooforests and to combating global climate changes!”

It is reported that according to the main contents of thecooperation framework agreement, the four said units will work closely todevelop relevant methodologies, establish pilot and demonstration zones andstrive to develop bamboo forest management and carbon sink enhancement programsand bamboo product carbon sequestration programs eligible for carbon tradingthrough research on bamboo forest management and carbon sink enhancementmethodology and bamboo product carbon sequestration measurement methodology, inorder to increase incomes of farmers and enterprises in bamboo production sector,explore new economic growth points and make new contributions to climate changemitigation and adaptation.

Organized by China Green Carbon Foundation? 

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